Intriguing headlines get our attention and everyone has an opinion. Yahoo!’s use of a stacked rank performance system came bursting to life through an article written on the Quartz blog. So began a debate over HR best practices vs. evidence based decision making which highlighted the biases which challenge even seasoned HR professionals in the […]
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Building a Community Of Interest – Brisbane HR Analytics
Whatever name you put in front of the word Analytics – HR, Workforce, Human Capital, dashboard, metrics – we are hearing lots of hype in the HR world. And it’s a good thing. But how do we move it beyond a trend and develop the knowledge, expertise and insight to implement HR analytics in our […]
Asking the Right Questions
What I love most about analytics is that it teaches you how to ask the right questions. This morning I attended a breakfast meeting put on by the Australian Institute of Management. While waiting for the doors to open, I had a lovely chat with a fellow attendee who works in an ethics role within […]
How to Get There From Here Using HR Analytics – Step 1
I attended the Australian Human Resource Institute’s national convention last month and no fewer than three presentations reminded us that Big Data and HR analytics is one of the biggest trends in HR right now. But how do you move it from ‘trend’ to ‘practice’ within your organisation especially if you work in a smaller […]
Speaking the Language of Your CEO
To really engage your CEO, you need to learn to speak in terms of risk and ROI. Audrey CicconeAs Chief Strategist of Analytic Perspectives, Audrey Ciccone consults in the area of workforce analytics partnering with companies to develop their HR analytics game plan. More about Audrey. Contact Audrey.
Following My Passion for Analytics, Visual Data and Complex Questions
While I never set out to be an HR entrepreneur, here I am 14 years into a role I created from scratch to give me flexibility in my career while I raised my children. Audrey CicconeAs Chief Strategist of Analytic Perspectives, Audrey Ciccone consults in the area of workforce analytics partnering with companies to develop […]
Problems at Your Doorstep
Another day’s plans put on hold. There is an unexpected problem that just walked through your door, or via email or on the phone. Management is a tough role and the demands on your time get tighter every day. Audrey CicconeAs Chief Strategist of Analytic Perspectives, Audrey Ciccone consults in the area of workforce analytics […]
Engagement: It’s More Than Just a Word
Engagement. It’s the hottest business buzzword. Businesses are not just talking about engagement, they have begun to integrate it into job titles: Strategic Engagement Manager, Community Engagement Advisor, Senior Manager Engagement Services. Audrey CicconeAs Chief Strategist of Analytic Perspectives, Audrey Ciccone consults in the area of workforce analytics partnering with companies to develop their HR […]
It’s Written All Over His Face
Have you watched The Tonight Show since Jimmy Fallon began hosting? Unfortunately for me, I have only had the time to see short snippets of his guest interviews and sketches on YouTube. But I have to say, Jimmy Fallon sure looks like he’s enjoying his new job. Engagement is a topic I have studied for […]
The Troublemakers Pt2
Found this quote today on someone else’s e-newsletter. “Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t […]
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